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MUMPS Applications

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This page contains references (provided by some of our users) to articles or applications that use MUMPS. If you have comments or if you are interested in appearing in this page, we would be very grateful if you consider filling the short form below.



  • Reference(s) provided by: Chia Wei Hsu
    Institution: University of Southern California, United States
    Type of applications: Scattering matrix computation
    Description of application: Simulations of PDEs typically involve computing the solution on every element of a large discretization basis set, even though oftentimes only a much smaller number of projections (described by a fat matrix C) is needed. When multiple right-hand sides are of interest (given by a tall matrix B), the LU factors of the PDE matrix A are typically applied repeatedly onto each right-hand side, which becomes the speed bottleneck when the number of right-hand sides is large. Furthermore, storage of the LU factors becomes the memory bottleneck. Problems of this type (computing the generalized scattering matrix) require C*inv(A)*B. Here, we build an augmented matrix K = [A, B; C, 0] and obtain the scattering matrix by computing the Schur complement of K instead, using MUMPS. This "augmented partial factorization" approach avoids the unnecessary full-basis solutions and the slow forward/backward substitutions. We apply it to the simulation of large-scale multi-channel optical systems and realize over three-orders-of-magnitude speed-up as well as memory usage reduction.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Dongjin Lee
    Institution: Nagoya University, Japan
    Type of applications: Matrix eigenvalue problems, computational materials physics
    Description of application: Solving a large sparse symmetric definite (or Hermitian) generalized eigenproblem is a fundamental computational task in electronic structure calculations of materials. Among all eigenvalues (which are real) and eigenvectors of the eigenproblem, the k-th (smallest) eigenvalue and its corresponding eigenvector are of practical interest because they are directly related to several properties of materials. For efficient computation of the k-th eigenpair with validation of its index, we propose an inertia-based algorithm in which fast and robust sparse LDL factorization plays a key role.
    • D. Lee, T. Hoshi, T. Sogabe, Y. Miyatake, S.-L. Zhang, Solution of the k-th eigenvalue problem in large-scale electronic structure calculations, J. Comput. Phys., 371 (2018), 618-632. DOI:
  • Reference(s) provided by: Andres Galvis
    Institution: University of Campinas, Brazil
    Type of applications: Analysis of 3D general anisotropic materials using boundary element method
    Description of application This work presents the analysis of three-dimensional polycrystals in the microscale with different lattice structures, hexagonal closed package (HCP) and face centered cubic (FCC). In these materials, the grained medium is considered as a continuum elastic body. An artificial polycrystalline structure is modeled using the Voronoi tessellation to generate random morphological microstructures. To reproduce the stochastic effects, arbitrary crystalline orientations are distributed over the structure. The boundary element method (BEM) is used to obtain the static displacement and traction fields, with a fundamental solution for 3D general anisotropic materials based on double Fourier's series. The macroscopic effective elastic properties are evaluated using the average homogenization technique and compared to the reference values through convergence statistical analysis. Explicit schemes are presented in order to improve the computational load and decrease the time required by the main BEM application implemented on distributed memory architectures. Numerical examples are presented showing the convergence of the results and comparisons of anisotropy level between these FCC and HCP materials using a recently proposed anisotropy factor.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Florian Libisch
    Institution: Vienna University of Technology, Austria
    Type of applications: Quantum transport
    Description of application: We calculate transport through graphene nanoribbons in the presence of disorder. Inversions of the Hamiltonian to obtain the Green's function G of the problem are done using the MUMPS package. Using G, the transport properties of the nanoribbon can be calculated. Using a combination of direct inversion of individual building blocks, and combining these building blocks using Dyson's equation, we can simulate ribbons with several micrometers in length (corresponding up to ten million carbon atoms).
  • Reference(s) provided by: Rouzbeh Amini
    Institution: University of Pittsburgh, USA
    Type of application: FE Modeling of Soft Tissue Biomechanics
    Description of application: Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2012 Mar 9;53(3):1188-94. Print 2012 The Posterior Location of the Dilator Muscle Induces Anterior Iris Bowing during Dilation, Even in the Absence of Pupillary Block. Amini R, Whitcomb JE, Al-Qaisi MK, Akkin T, Jouzdani S, Dorairaj S, Prata T, Illitchev E, Liebmann JM, Ritch R, Barocas VH.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Eligiusz Postek
    Institution: IPPT PAN, Poland, EU
    Type of application: biology, cell mechanics
    Description of application: This paper stands for a concept of coupling between agent modeling and stress analysis valid for a tissue. The stress analysis of evolving tissue is underestimated in previous studies. The experimental observations and numerical simulations of stress development in a single cell and in particular, in a growing tissue are still rare in the literature. We use a tensegrity model for a single cell that serves for stress evaluation in a growing tissue. We propose to couple the mechanical modeling with the agent one using a staggered scheme for two exemplary scenarios. The first example is devoted to scratching of the epithelium, and the second one to the pins and slits. We observe the systems sensitivities with respect to the selected groups of design parameters. The groups of parameters have been associated with clusters of cells. We have found that the sensitivities may be used for comparing the complex structures of the tissue.
    • Concept of an Agent-stress Model of a Tissue, TECHNISCHE MECHANIK, 32, 2-5, (2012), 518 - 529
  • Reference(s) provided by: Pierre Martinon
    Institution: Inria Saclay and CMAP Ecole Polytechnique, France, EU
    Type of application: Condensed matter physics
    Description of application: BOCOP: open source toolbox for optimal control problems.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Michael Wimmer
    Institution: Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands, EU
    Type of application: Condensed matter physics
    Description of application: Computing eigenvectors of a large-scale sparse matrix using an iterative shift and invert technique.
    • M. Wimmer, A.R. Akhmerov, and F. Guinea. Robustness of edge states in graphene quantum dots. Phys. Rev. B 82, 045409 (2010).
  • Reference(s) provided by: Gennady Miloshevsky
    Institution: Purdue University (USA)
    Type of application: Surfaces, Interfaces, and Materials
    Description of application: see this link.
    • Miloshevsky G. V., A. Hassanein, M. B. Partenskii and P. C. Jordan. (2010) Electroelastic Coupling between Membrane Surface Fluctuations and Membrane-Embedded Charges: Continuum Multi-Dielectric Treatment. Journal of Chemical Physics. 132, 234707-1-11.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Florian LIBISCH
    Institution: Institute for Theoretical Physics, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria, EU
    Type of application: Theoretical physics
    Description of application: Computation of eigenstates of graphene quantum dots in a perpendicular magnetic fields; the implementation uses an Arnoldi-Lanczos diagonalization, including a shift-and-invert algorithm, in a parallel MPI environment.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Rouzbeh AMINI
    Institution: University of Minnesota (USA)
    Type of application: FE modeling of ocular biomechanics
    Description of application: See
    • J Biomech Eng. 2010 Jul;132(7):071010. Reverse pupillary block slows iris contour recovery from corneoscleral indentation. Amini R, Barocas VH.
  • Reference(s) provided by: John HEDENGREN
    Institution: APMonitor (USA)
    Type of application: Optimization modeling language with MUMPS linear solver
    Description of application: MUMPS is incorporated into the APMonitor Modeling Language with the IPOPT nonlinear programming solver. An online interface to the modeling language with MUMPS is available through a web interface: Thousands of optimization problems have been submitted through the online interface. A sampling of the applications include Cell Culture, DC Motor, Distillation Column, Diabetic Blood Glucose, Drill Shaft Communication, Electric Vehicle, Food Diet, Fuel Ethanol, Gas Blending, Oscillator, Pendulum, Reactor, Shuttle Launch, Stock Market, and Truck Suspension posted here:
    See for example and
  • Reference(s) provided by: Fabian ROJAS
    Institution: University of Southern California (USA)
    Type of application: OpenSees
  • Reference(s) provided by: Rita STREICH
    Institution: SINTEF Petroleum Research, Trondheim, Norway
    Type of application: geophysics
    • Streich, R., 2009, "3D finite-difference frequency-domain modeling of controlled-source electromagnetic data: direct solution and optimization for high accuracy", Geophysics, 74(5), F95-F105
  • Reference(s) provided by: Mehmet SAHIN
    Institution: University of Colorado (USA)
    Type of application: Linear Stability Analysis for Viscoelastic and Newtonian Fluids
    Description of application: Accurate prediction of instabilities in viscoelastic flows presents one of the most challenging problems in non-Newtonian fluid mechanics, and has a crucial importance for polymer processing, where output quality constraints require that operating conditions should be maintained in the stable flow regime. Therefore, the flow instabilities are the primary constraint for the processing speed in many industrial polymer forming processes such as extrusion, wire coating, blow molding, sheet-formation, etc. In our project, we have developed an unstructured finite volume method for analysis of the stability of two-dimensional steady non-Newtonian fluid flows to small amplitude three-dimensional perturbations. A semi-staggered dilation-free finite volume discretization with Newton s method is used to compute steady base flows. The linear stability problem is treated as a generalized eigenvalue problem (GEVP) in which the rightmost eigenvalue determines the stability of the base flow. However, the resulting system of linear equations is highly ill-conditioned and the classical preconditoned iterative methods fail to converge. The MUMPS solver allows us to solve these badly conditioned linear system of huge size (several million of unknowns). This allows us to make direct comparison between the numerical and experimental results.
    • Sahin M. and Owens R. G., " A Numerical Investigation of Wall Effects up to High Blockage Ratios on Two-Dimensional Flow Past a Confined Circular Cylinder". Physics of Fluids, 16 (5), 2004, pp. 1305-1320.
    • Sahin M. and Owens R. G., "On the Effects of Viscoelasticity on Two-Dimensional Vortex Dynamics in the Cylinder Wake". Journal of non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 123, 2004, pp. 121-139.
    • Sahin M. and Wilson H. J., "A Parallel Adaptive Unstructured Finite Volume Method for Linear Stability (Normal Mode) Analysis of Viscoelastic Fluid Flows". Journal of non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 155, 2008, pp. 1-14.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Maciej Paszynski
    Institution: Department of Computer Science, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow (Poland)
    Type of application: Computational Electromagnetics
    Description of application: The goal of this project is to simulate a variety of resistivity logging instruments with arbitrary sources in deviated wells for the assessment and identification of electrical properties of the subsurface rock formation. Logging instruments include induction instruments with detailed geometrical reconstruction of the mandrel, and normal/laterolog instruments. The use of a 2D and 3D self-adaptive goal-oriented hp-FEM allows for high accuracy simulations of these logging instruments. See also and
    • D. Pardo, C. Torres-Verdin, M.J. Nam, M. Paszyński, V.M. Calo A Fourier Series Expansion in a Non-Orthognal System of Coordinates for Simulation of 3D AC Borehole Resistivity Measurements, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 197, 45-48, 2008
    • D. Pardo, V. Calo, C. Torres-Verdin, and M. J. Nam, Fourier Series Expansion in a Non-Orthogonal System of Coordinates for the Simulation of 3D DC Borehole Resistivity Measurements. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, Vol. 197, Issues 1-3, pp. 1906-1925, Apr 2008
    • D. Pardo, C. Torres-Verdin, M. Paszyński, A Simulations of 3D DC Borehole Resistivity Measurements with a Goal-Oriented hp Finite Element Method. Part II: Through-Casing Resistivity Instruments,, Computational Geosciences, Vol. 12, Issue 1, pp. 83-89, 2008
    • D. Pardo, L. Demkowicz, C. Torres-Verdin, M. Paszyński, A Goal Oriented hp-Adaptive Finite Element Strategy with Electromagnetic Applications. Part II: Electrodynamics. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, special issue in honor of Prof. Ivo Babuska, 196, 2007, 3585-3597
    • Pardo D., Demkowicz L., Torres-Verdin C., Paszynski M., Simulation of Resistivity Logging-While-Drilling (LWD) Measurements Using a Self-Adaptive Goal-Oriented hp-Finite Element Method, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 66, 2006, p. 2085-2106
  • Reference(s) provided by: Yusuf Ozyoruk
    Institution: Middle East Technical University, TURKEY
    Type of application: Computational Aeroacoustics
    Description of application: Linearized Euler equations formulated in frequency domain are discretized to high order accuracy on structured meshes, and the resulting linear system of equations is solved directly in parallel using the sparse solver MUMPS. These equations coupled with appropriate source definitions in duct inlets of turbofan engine nozzle configurations allow us to predict sound propagation and radiation through them.
    • Y. Ozyoruk and S. Lidoine, "Numerical Analysis of Noise Radiation from a Turbofan Exhaust Cowl with an Extended Liner in Flight", AIAA Paper 2008-2880, 14th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Vancouver, Canada, May 2008.
    • Y. Ozyoruk, E. Dizemen, S. Kaya, and A. Akturk, "A Frequency Domain Linearized Euler Solver for Turbomachinery Noise Propagation and Radiation", AIAA Paper 2007-3521, 13th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, Rome, Italy, May 2007.
    • Y. Ozyoruk and E. Dizemen, "Performance Evaluation of Two Parallel, Direct Sparse Solvers for an Aeroacoustics Propagation Model", Parallel CFD 2007, Antalya, Turkey, May 2007.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Stéphane Glockner
    Institution: TREFLE, University of Bordeaux
    Type of application: Computational fluid dynamics - code Aquilon
    Description of applications
  • Reference(s) provided by: Dongkwan Kim
    Institution: Seoul National University, SOUTH KOREA
    Type of application: OpenSees
    Description of applications
  • Reference(s) provided by: Arnaud Gelas
    Institution: CREATIS-LRMN (Villeurbanne), FRANCE
    Type of application: Image segmentation
    • Arnaud Gelas, Olivier Bernard, Denis Friboulet and Remy Prost: "Compactly Supported Radial Basis Functions Collocation Method for Image Segmentation". IEEE Transaction on Image Processing, vol. 16(7), pp.1873--1887, 2007.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Stephane Operto et Jean Virieux
    Institution: Géosciences Azur, FRANCE
    Type of application: Wave propagation and seismic imaging, SEISCOPE project
    Description of applications
    • Bernhard Hustedt, Stephane Operto and Jean Virieux, "A multi-level direct-iterative solver for seismic wave propagation modelling: space and wavelet approaches". Geophysical Journal International, Vol. 155 Issue 3 Page 953, December 2003.
    • S. Operto, J. Virieux, Géosciences Azur, P. Amestoy, L. Giraud, ENSEEIHT-IRIT, J.Y. L'Excellent, Inria-ENS-Lyon, "3D frequency-domain finite difference modeling of acoustic wave propagation using a massively parallel direct solver : a feasibility study". SEG conference, 2006. To appear.
    • S. Operto, J. Virieux, J. X. Dessa and G. Pascal. "Crustal seismic imaging from multifold ocean bottom seismometer data by frequency-domain full-waveform tomography: application to the eastern-Nankai trough". Journal of Geophysical Research, 2006. To appear.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Evgenii B. Rudnyi
    Institution: IMTEK, University of Freiburg, GERMANY
    Type of application: Model order reduction for finite element models
    Description of applications and MUMPS related publications
    • E. B. Rudnyi, B. van Rietbergen, J. G. Korvink. Model Reduction for High Dimensional Micro-FE Models. TAM'06, The Third HPC-Europa Transnational Access Meeting, Barcelona, 14 - 16 June 2006. [PDF version]
  • Reference(s) provided by: M. Berglund
    Institution: DelftChemTech, THE NETHERLANDS
    Type of application: Physical Chemistry and Molecular thermodynamics
    • G. Z. M. Berglund, S. W. de Leeuw,"A study into the feasibility of using two parallel sparse direct solvers for the Helmholtz equation on Linux clusters" (p 749-769), Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 18, 1-21 (2005), DOI: 10.1002/cpe.959.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Jong-Shinn Wu (leader of MuST group)
    Institution: MuST Lab., Department of Mechanical Engineering National Chiao Tung University, TAIWAN
    Type of application: Plasma simulation
    Description of applications and MUMPS related publications
  • Reference provided by: Yannis Dimakopoulos
    Institution: University of Patras, Greece
    Type of application: Computational Fluid Dynamics References:
    • Dimakopoulos, Y. and Tsamopoulos, J., "MPI-Parallel calculations for viscoelastic flows with free surfaces", FLOW 2006 (5th meeting), November 2006, Patras, GREECE, Paper in Greek (CD available).
  • Reference(s) provided by: Francois Primeau
    Institution: University of California, Irvine, USA
    Type of application: Ocean modeling
    • Primeau, F., 2005: Characterizing transport between the surface mixed layer and the ocean interior with a forward and adjoint global ocean transport model. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 35, No. 4, pp. 545-564. doi:10.1175/JPO2699.1
    • Primeau, F. and M. Holzer: The Ocean's Memory of the Atmosphere: Residence-Time and Ventilation-Rate Distributions of Water Masses. Journal of Physical Oceanography, In press 2006.
    • Kwon, E.Y. and F. Primeau: Sensitivity and Optimization Study of a Biogeochemistry Ocean Model using an Implicit Solver and In-Situ Phosphate Data. Global Biogeochemical Cycles Accepted June, 2006.
  • Reference(s) provided by: William Mitchell
    Institution: National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), USA
    Type of application: PHAML, a parallel, adaptive, multilevel code for elliptic PDEs, (both boundary value and eigenvalue problems, and single and multicomponent solutions)
    Description of applications
  • Reference(s) provided by: Pablo Ezzatti
    Institution: Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de la República, URUGUAY
    Type of application: Dynamics of Fluids -- RMA-10
    • Pablo Ezzatti e Ismael Piedra-Cueva, "Mejora del desempeño computacional del RMA 10", VIII Congreso Argentino de Mecánica Computacional (MECOM), Argentina, 11/2005. [PDF version]
  • Reference(s) provided by: Yves Renard
    Institution: INSA Lyon, FRANCE
    Type of application: Finite element library
    Description of applications
  • Reference(s) provided by: Lie-Quan Lee
    Institution: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, USA
    Type of application: Accelerator Design and Optimization
    Description of applications
  • Reference(s) provided by: Alexandre Gelfgat
    Institution: Tel-Aviv University, Israel
    Type of application: Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Description of applications
    • Alexander Yu. Gelfgat, "Stability of convective flows in cavities: Solution of benchmark problems by a low-order finite volume method" Int. J. for Numerical Methods in Fluids, 2006. Accepted for publication.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Boris Kaus
    Institution: University of Southern California, USA
    Type of application: Implementation in Geophysical software
    • Kaus B.J.P., Schmalholz S.M.: "3D Finite amplitude folding: implications for stress evolution during crustal and lithospheric deformation". Geophysical Research Letters. 2006 (in press)
    • Buiter S.J.H., Babeyko A.Y., Ellis S., Gerya T.V., Kaus B.J.P., Kellner A., Schreurs G., Yamada Y: " The numerical sandbox: Comparison of model results for a shortening and an extension experiment." in: Buiter, S.J.H. & Schreurs, G. Analogue and Numerical Modelling of Crustal-Scale Processes. Geological Society of London Special Publications, 253, 29-64. 2006.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Alexandre Klimowicz
    Institution: The University of Manchester, UNITED KINGDOM
    Type of application: Parallel direct solve of large sparse systems arising from fluid dynamics
    • A.N.F. Klimowicz, M.D. Mihajlovic, M. Heil: "Deployment of parallel direct sparse linear solvers within a parallel finite element code, Proceedings of PDCN 2006" - 24th IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks, (Innsbruck, Austria, 14-16 February 2006), Acta Press, Anaheim, (T. Fahringer eds), Pages 310-315.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Jonathan Ajo-Franklin
    Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
    Type of application: Solving large Helmholtz problems for multi-source geometries
  • Reference(s) provided by: Robert EYMARD
    Institution: Université de Marne-la-Vallée, FRANCE
    Type of application: Calculation of the approach solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Oliver Ramon
    Institution: Departament de Fisica, Universitat de les Illes Balears, SPAIN
    Type of application: Magnetohydrodynamic waves in the solar atmosphere
  • Reference(s) provided by: Z Xie
    Institution: University of Wales Swansea, UNITED KINGDOM
    Type of application: Computational eletromagnetics
  • Reference(s) provided by: Cedric Thieulot and Jean Braun
    Institution: Universite Rennes 1, Laboratoire de Geosciences, FRANCE
    Type of application: 3D thermo-mechanical F.E.M. (research) code with adaptive meshing
  • Reference(s) provided by: Andrea Mammoli
    Institution: Mechanical Engineering, University of New Mexico, USA
    Type of application: Alloy solidification simulation
  • Reference(s) provided by: Kunlun Liu
    Institution: Dept. Biomedician Eng, Univ. Minnesota, USA
    Type of application: Academic Research
  • Reference(s) provided by: Huai Zhang
    Institution: Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, CHINA
    Type of application: Applications in Geosciences
  • Reference(s) provided by: Svilen Sabchevski
    Institution: Institute of Electronics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, BULGARIA
    Type of application: Numerical simulation of gyrotrons and other free-electron devices


  • carter d'actionneur - coupe carter d'actionneur  Reference(s) provided by: Olivier Boiteau
    Company: EDF R&D, FRANCE
    Type of applications: Linear and non-linear thermo-mechanical analyses (Code_Aster), Electromagnetics (Code_Carmel), free-surface flow (TELEMAC) equation cluster dynamics (CRESCENDO), Codes co-developed with many partners: CEA, L2EP, IFPEN, BAW, CEREMA... Short description and/or URL to pages describing your applications: Code_Aster, Code_Carmel, TELEMAC,
    Crescendo: T. Jourdan, G. Stoltz, F. Legoll and L. Monasse, An accurate scheme to solve cluster dynamics equations using a Fokker-Planck approach, Comput. Phys. Commun. 207, p. 170 (2016).
  • SAMTECH Nozzel mesh Reference(s) provided by: Jean-Pierre Delsemme and Stéphane Pralet
    Company: SAMTECH Group, BELGIUM
    Type of application: MUMPS is used as a parallel multifrontal solver within SAMCEF, a general purpose Finite Element Analysis software suite for linear and non-linear thermo-mechanical analyses. SAMCEF is recognized as one of the most powerful FEA suites in the world
    Description of applications
  • Reference(s) provided by: Guillaume Alléon and Guillaume Sylvand
    Company: EADS CCR (Toulouse, France)
    Department: Simulation, système et technologies de l'information
    Equipe: Mathématiques appliquées et simulation
    Type of applications: acoustics and electromagnetics propagation in the frequency domain based on a coupling between FEM (for the volume) and BEM (for the exterior domain).
  • Reference(s) provided by: Mathieu Gontier
    Institution: Free Field Technologies
    Type of applications: MUMPS is now officially included in FFT applications like
    • Actran, which is a Fortran solver for vibro-acoustic
    • FEMTown, a generic C++ parallel finite element framework used to develop ActranTM, an aero-acoustic solver.
    Description of applications
  • Reference(s) provided by: Mathieu Gontier
    Institution: Free Field Technologies
    Type of application: MUMPS was used to test MorphMPI, developed by Toon Knappen.
    Description of applications
  • Reference(s) provided by: Yves Peysson and Joan Decker
    Institution: Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique
    Type of application: 3-D kinetic calculations by finite difference technique for radio frequency current drive in tokamak magnetized plasmas
  • Reference(s) provided by: Fabrice Zaoui
    Company: RTE, FRANCE
    Type of application: Power systems
    • Fabrice Zaoui, Stéphane Fliscounakis: "A Direct Approach for the Security Constrained Optimal Power Flow Problem". Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 2006.
  • Reference(s) provided by: Faiza Boulahya and Fabrice Dupros
    Company: BRGM, Orléans, FRANCE
    Unité: Calcul 3D et Réalité virtuelle
    Type of application: Geomechanics. Two software targetted:
    • Parallel three-dimensional Finite Element computations for site response analysis
    • 2D Meshfree approach
    • FOERSTER.E., DUPROS.F., BERNARDIE.S.: "Parallel three-dimensional finite element computations for site response analysis", in SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences - Avignon - France - 7-10/05/2005
  • Reference(s) provided by: Reinhart Schultz
    Company: Infineon Technologies AG, GERMANY
    Type of application: Circuit simulator Titan
  • Reference(s) provided by: Cyrille Breard
    Company: The Boeing Company, USA
    Type of application: Acoustic Propagation and Radiation
  • Reference(s) provided by: Ing-Wu Yu
    Company: Curtiss-Wright Electro-Mechanical Corporation, USA
    Type of application: Finite Element Analysis

Other Publications

  • Alireza Mazaheria (NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA 23681, USA), Hiroaki Nishikawab (National Institute of Aerospace, Hampton, VA 23666, USA) : "Efficient high-order discontinuous Galerkin schemes with first-order hyperbolic advection-diffusion system approach". Journal of Computational Physics. DOI information: 10.1016/
  • Jos De Kloe, Aad Van Der Steen (Institut of Computational Physics, THE NETHERLANDS), Hakan Öksüzoglu, Henk Dijkstra (Institut for Marine and Atmospheric Research, THE NETHERLANDS): " A fully implicit Parallel Ocean Model using MUMPS". The Journal of Supercomputing, 23, 167-183, 2002.
  • Tomas Wilhelmsson: "Parallelization of the HIROMB Ocean Model". Licentiate Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology, Department of Numerical Analysis and Computer Science, Stockholm. 2002.
  • Aurélien Mosson (Airbus France S.A.S, FRANCE), Stéphane Caro, Toon Knapen, Mathieu Gontier (Free Field Technologies SA, BELGIUM), Ludovic Enault ( IBM France, FRANCE), Sébastien Drouilhet-Peyre (Sogeti High Tech, FRANCE): "New advances in the use of Actran/TM for nacelle simulations and optimisation of IBM clusters for Actran parallel computations". 12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 8-10 May 2006.
  • Thomas Most, Stefan Eckardt: "Application of a hybrid parallelization technique to accelerate the numerical simulation of nonlinear mechanical problems". Institute of Structural Mechanics, Weimar, GERMANY.
  • Hidehiro Fujio: "The feelfem system. A repository system for the finite element method". NEC Corporation Internet Systems Research Laboratories, JAPAN.

  • Per Sahlin, Pavel Grozman: "IDA Simulation Environment: a tool for Modelica based end-user application deployment". Equa Simulation AB, SWEDEN.
  • Z. Galazka (Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, POLAND), D. Schwabe (University of Giessen, I.Physikalisches Institut, GERMANY), H. Wilke (Institute of Crystal Growth, GERMANY): "Influence of internal radiation on the heat transfer during growth of YAG single crystals by the Czochralski method". Crystal Research and Technology, Volume 38, DOI: 10.1002/crat.200310104.
  • L. Giraud (CERFACS), A. Marrocco (Inria), J.-C. Rioual (CERFACS):"Iterative versus direct parallel substructuring methods in semiconductor device modelling". Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications, Volume 12, Issue 1, Pages 33 - 53.
  • A. V. Ilin, F. R. Chang Diaz, J. P. Squire, A. G. Tarditi and M. D. Carter: "Improved simulation of the ICRF waves in the VASIMR plasma", Computer Physics Communications, Volume 164, Issue 1-3, Pages 251-257.
  • A. Bendali and M'B. Fares: "A FETI-like domain decomposition procedure for coupling large scale finite element-boundary element in acoustic scattering". In Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Developments in Boundary Element Methods for Acoustics and Electromagnetics, University of Reading, UK (2004).
  • Jose M. Alonso, Vicente Hernández, Roberto López, German Moltó (Universidad Politecnica de Valencia): "A Service Oriented System for On Demand Dynamic Structural Analysis over Computational Grids". In Proceedings of VECPAR 06.
  • C. Chaudet, I. Guérin Lassous, E. Thierry and B. Gaujal (Inria): "Study of the impact of asymmetry and carrier sense mechanism in IEEE 802.11 multi-hops networks through a basic case". Proceedings of the 1st ACM Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad Hoc, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks (PE-WASUN'04), Venice, Italy, october 2004.
  • Meyer, K.: "Ordering strategies to reduce computational requirements in variance component estimation". In Proceedings Association for Advancement of Animal Breeding and Genetics 16: 282-285.