MUMPS EMS/ECMI Lanczos prize

EMS/ECMI Lanczos Prize for Mathematical Software awarded to MUMPS !
Lanczos Prize awarded to MUMPS

We are happy to announce that the European Mathematical Society (EMS) and the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) - Lanczos prize for mathematical software has been awarded to MUMPS for its important and widely used contributions to the numerical solution of sparse linear systems. The prize has been awarded during the opening ceremony of the 9th European Conference of Mathematics, July 15-19, 2024, Sevilla (Spain).

EMS/ECMI Lanczos Prize for Mathematical Software

The Prize established in 2023 by European Mathematical Society and the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry is to be awarded to a mathematician or scientist, or a group of mathematicians and scientists, for the development of outstanding mathematical software with important applications in mathematics, science, engineering, society or industry. Eligibility for the Prize is restricted to software whose source is available to the general public for scrutiny.