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  • [2024] S. Operto, P. Amestoy, S. Beller, A. Buttari, L. Combe, F. Faucher, P. Jolivet J.-Y. L'Excellent, T. Mary, S. Migeon, Pushing the limits of 3D frequency-domain FWI with the 2015/2016 OBN Gorgon dataset, EAGE conference, Oslo, June 10-13, 2024
  • [2024] P.Amestoy, A.Buttari, F.Faucher, J.-Y.L’Excellent, T.Mary Application of the Sparse Direct Solver MUMPS to Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerking (HDG) Discretization for Wave Modeling, ECCOMAS conference, Lisbon,June 3-7, 2024
  • [2024] O.Boiteau, A.Buttari, L.Combe, F.Faucher, M.Gerest, F.Jézéquel, J.-Y.L’Excellent, T.Mary, S.Operto, C.Puglisi Recent Advances on Sparse Direct Solver Using Block Low-Rank and Mixed Precision for Large Scale Applications, SIAM conf. on Linear Algebra, Paris, May 13-17, 2024
  • [2024] Patrick Amestoy, Olivier Boiteau, Alfredo Buttari, Matthieu Gerest, Fabienne Jézéquel, Jean-Yves L'Excellent & Theo Mary. Communication avoiding block low-rank parallel multifrontal triangular solve with many right-hand sides SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Application 45(1), 148–166 (2024).[doi]
  • [2024] Patrick Amestoy, Alfredo Buttari, Nicholas Higham, Jean-Yves L'Excellent, Theo Mary and Bastien Vieublé. Five-precision GMRES-based Iterative Refinement, SIAM J. Matrix Analysis and Application 45 (1), pp. 529-552 [doi]
  • [2023] S. Operto, P. Amestoy, H. Aghamiry, S. Beller, A. Buttari, L. Combe, V. Dolean, M. Gerest, G. Guo, P. Jolivet, J.-Y. L'Excellent, F. Mamfoumbi, T. Mary, C. Puglisi, A. Ribodetti, P.-H.Tournier Is 3D frequency-domain FWI of full-azimuth/long-offset OBN data feasible? The Gorgon-data FWI case study. The Leading Edge, 42(3), 173–183 (2023).
  • [2023] P. Amestoy, A. Buttari, N. Higham, J.-Y. L'Excellent, T. Mary and B. Vieublé. Combining sparse approximate factorizations with mixed precision iterative refinement, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, Vol 49, Issue 1, March 2023, [doi]
  • [2023] Patrick Amestoy, Olivier Boiteau, Alfredo Buttari, Matthieu Gerest, Fabienne Jézéquel, Jean-Yves L'Excellent & Theo Mary. Mixed precision low rank approximations and their application to block low rank LU factorization, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis Volume 43, Issue 4, July 2023, [doi]
  • [2021] P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, L. Combe, M. Gerest, J.-Y. L’Excellent 1 , T. Mary, S. Operto, and C. Puglisi, Up to date assessment of 3D frequency-domain full waveform inversion based on the sparse multifrontal solver MUMPS, Fifth EAGE Workshop on HPC for Upstream, Online, 6-8 Sept 2021
  • [2021] P. R. Amestoy, O. Boiteau, A. Buttari, M. Gerest, F. Jézéquel, J.-Y. L’Excellent, T. Mary, Mixed Precision Low Rank Compression and its Application to BLR Matrix Factorization, slides. SIAM CSE 2021, Online, 1-5 March 2021
  • [2021] P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, N. J. Higham, J.-Y. L’Excellent, T. Mary, and B. Vieublé, Iterative Refinement in up to Five Precisions for the Solution of Large Sparse Linear Systems, SIAM CSE 2021, Online, 1-5 March 2021
  • [2021] P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, V. Darrigrand, J.-Y. L’Excellent, T. Mary, and F.H. Rouet, Block Low Rank Sparse Solvers for Challenging Computational Science Applications, SIAM CSE 2021, Online, 1-5 March 2021
  • [2021] P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L’Excellent, T. Mary, C. Puglisi and F.H. Rouet, Importance of recent numerical work on direct solvers for the performance and robustness of iterative solvers, 14th WCCM and ECCOMAS congress, Online, 11-15 January 2021
  • [2021] P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, F. Faucher, J.-Y. L’Excellent, T. Mary, Recent work on sparse direct solvers to exploit numerical and structural properties of HDG discretizations, 14th WCCM and ECCOMAS congress, Online, 11-15 January 2021
  • [2021] P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, N. J. Higham, J.-Y. L’Excellent, T. Mary, B. Vieublé, Multiple precision iterative refinement for the solution of large sparse linear systems, 14th WCCM and ECCOMAS congress, Online, 11-15 January 2021
  • [2020] P.R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent, T. Mary and G. Moreau, Asymptotic Complexity of Low-rank Sparse Direct Solvers with Sparse Right-hand Sides, slides. SIAM Conference on Combinatorial Sci. Computing (SIAM CSC'20), Seattle, USA, February 2020.
  • [2020] P.R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent, T. Mary and F.-H. Rouet, Using block-low rank techniques for large finite element industrial applications, SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing (SIAM PP'20), Seattle, USA, February 2020.
  • [2019] P.R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent and T. Mary, Bridging the gap between flat and hierarchical low-rank matrix formats: the multilevel BLR format, slides. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (SIAM CSE'19), Spokane, USA, February 2019.
  • [2019] P.R. Amestoy, S. de la Kethulle de Ryhove, J.-Y. L’Excellent, G. Moreau, and D. V. Shantsev. Efficient use of sparsity by direct solvers applied to 3D controlled-source EM problems,. PDF. Computational Geosciences, Sept. 2019.
  • [2019] P.R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent and T. Mary, Bridging the gap between flat and hierarchical low-rank matrix formats: the multilevel BLR format,technical report on [hal]. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, Vol. 41, N. 3, p. 1414-1442.
  • [2018] Gilles Moreau, On the Solution Phase of Direct Solvers for Sparse Linear Systems with Multiple Sparse Right-Hand Sides PhD Thesis, ENS Lyon, University of Lyon, December 2018.
  • [2018] P. Amestoy, J.-Y. L'Excellent and G. Moreau, Elimination tree flattening to exploit right-hand sides sparsity, SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing - June 6-8, 2018 - Bergen, Norway. extended abstract
  • [2018] P. R. Amestoy, J.-Y. L'Excellent and G. Moreau, On Exploiting Sparsity of Multiple Right-Hand Sides in Sparse Direct Solvers, [technical report on hal]. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing , Vol. 41 N. 2, p. 269-291.
  • [2018] P.R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent and T. Mary, Distributed-memory Block Low-Rank multifrontal factorization for large scale systems and applications in SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing (SIAM PP'18), Tokyo, Japan, March 2018. talk
  • [2018] P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent and T. Mary, Performance and Scalability of the Block Low-Rank Multifrontal Factorization on Multicore Architectures, ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 45(1):2:1-2:26, 2019. [doi].
  • [2017] P.R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent and T. Mary, Block Low-Rank multifrontal sparse direct solvers in Mathias 2017, Paris, France, October 2017. talk
  • [2017] P.R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent and T. Mary, Block Low-Rank multifrontal solvers: complexity, performance, and scalability in Sparse Days at CERFACS, September 6-8, 2017, Toulouse, France. talk
  • [2017] P. R. Amestoy, J.-Y. L'Excellent and G. Moreau, Direct solution of sparse systems of linear equations with sparse multiple right-hand sides in Sparse Days at CERFACS, September 6-8, 2017, Toulouse, France. talk
  • [2017] Théo Mary, Block Low-Rank multifrontal solvers: complexity, performance, and scalability, PhD Thesis, University of Toulouse, November 2017.
  • [2017] P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent and T. Mary, On the complexity of the Block Low-Rank multifrontal factorization, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, volume 39, number 4, pages A1710-A1740.
  • [2017] S. de la Kethulle de Ryhove, P. Jaysaval and D.V. Shantsev, P. R. Amestoy, J.-Y. L'Excellent and T. Mary, Large-scale 3D Controlled source EM modeling with a Block Low-Rank MUMPS solver, Geophysical Journal International, volume 209, number 3, pages 1558-1571.
  • [2017] P. R. Amestoy, J.-Y. L'Excellent and G. Moreau, On the Solution Phase of Sparse Direct Solvers with Many Right-Hand Sides, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (SIAM CSE 17), Atlanta, USA, 27 Feb- 3 March 2017. talk.
  • [2017] P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, P. Ghysels, J.-Y. L'Excellent, X.S. Li, T. Mary and F.-H. Rouet, Comparison of BLR and HSS Low-Rank Formats in Multifrontal Solvers: Theory and Practice, SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (SIAM CSE 17), Atlanta, USA, 27 Feb- 3 March 2017. talk.
  • [2016] P. R. Amestoy, R. Brossier, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent, T. Mary, L. Métivier, A. Miniussi, and S. Operto, Fast 3D frequency-domain full waveform inversion with a parallel Block Low-Rank multifrontal direct solver: application to OBC data from the North Sea, Geophysics 2016, Volume 81, Number 6, pages R363 - R383
  • [2016] P. R. Amestoy and A. Buttari and J.-Y. L'Excellent and T. Mary, Sparse direct solvers towards seismic imaging of large 3D domains, EAGE Conference, workshop methods and challenges of seismic wave modelling for seismic imaging, Vienna, Austria, June 2016 . talk.
  • [2016] P. R. Amestoy and A. Buttari and J.-Y. L'Excellent and T. Mary, Performance and scalability of the Block Low-Rank multifrontal factorization, Parallel Matrix Algorithms and Applications (PMAA'16), Bordeaux, France. talk.
  • [2016] P. R. Amestoy, C. Ashcraft, A. Buttari, P. Ghysels, J.-Y. L'Excellent, X. S. Li, T. Mary, C. Weisbecker, A comparison of parallel rank-structured solvers, SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP16), talk.
  • [2016] P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent and T. Mary, Complexity and performance of Block Low-Rank multifrontal factorization and its variants, SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP16), talk.
  • [2016] P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent and T. Mary, Improving multifrontal solvers by means of Block Low-Rank approximations, Workshop on fast direct solvers, CIMI HPC semester, talk.
  • [2016] E. Agullo, P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent, A. Guermouche and F.-H. Rouet, Robust memory-aware mappings for parallel multifrontal factorizations, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, volume 38, number 3, pages C256-C279.
  • [2015] P. R. Amestoy, C. Ashcraft, O. Boiteau, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent and Cl. Weisbecker, Improving multifrontal methods by means of block low-rank representations SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, volume 37, number 3, pages A1451-A1474
  • [2015] P. R. Amestoy, R. Brossier, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent, T. Mary, L. Métivier, A. Miniussi, S. Operto, J. Virieux and C. Weisbecker, 3D frequency-domain seismic modeling with a Parallel BLR multifrontal direct solver, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015, Chapter 692, pages 3606-3611
  • [2015] P. R. Amestoy, C. Ashcraft, A. Buttari, P. Ghysels, J.-Y. L'Excellent, X. S. Li, T. Mary, C. Weisbecker, A comparison of different low-rank approximation techniques, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA15), 2015.
  • [2015] P. R. Amestoy, R. Brossier, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent, Théo Mary, L. Métivier, A. Miniussi, S. Operto, A. Ribodetti, J. Virieux and C. Weisbecker, Efficient 3D frequency-domain full-waveform inversion of ocean-bottom cable data with sparse block low-rank direct solver: a real data case study from the North Sea, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts 2015, Chapter 251, pages 1303-1308
  • [2015] P. R. Amestoy, J.-Y. L'Excellent and W. M. Sid-Lakhdar, Efficient deadlock-free asynchronous approaches for a distributed-memory sparse direct solver The 8th Industrial Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2015), Beijing, China},
  • [2015] P. R. Amestoy, I.S. Duff, J.-Y. L'Excellent and F.H.Rouet, Parallel computation of entries of A-1, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37(2), C268-C284.
  • [2015] P. R. Amestoy, C. Ashcraft, O. Boiteau, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent and C. Weisbecker, Improving multifrontal methods by means of block low-rank representations, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37(3), A1451-1474.
  • [2014] W. M. Sid-Lakhdar. Scaling the solution of large sparse linear systems using multifrontal methods on hybrid shared-distributed memory architectures, PhD Thesis from Université de Lyon, prepared at ENS Lyon, Lyon, December 2014.
  • [2014] P. R. Amestoy, J.-Y. L'Excellent, F.-H. Rouet, W. Sid-Lakhdar, Modeling 1D distributed-memory dense kernels for an asynchronous multifrontal sparse solver, High-Performance Computing for Computational Science, VECPAR 2014, Eugene, Oregon, USA, June 30 - July 3.
  • [2014] P. R. Amestoy, J.-Y. L'Excellent, W. Sid-Lakhdar, Characterizing asynchronous broadcast trees for multifrontal factorizations, SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing, Lyon, France, July 21-23.
  • [2014] P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, G. Joslin, J.-Y. L'Excellent, M. Sid-Lakhdar, C. Weisbecker, M. Forzan, C. Pozza, R. Perrin, V. Pellissier, Shared memory parallelism and low-rank approximation techniques applied to direct solvers IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, IEEE, volume 50 number 2
  • [2013] P. R. Amestoy, G. Joslin, J.-Y. L'Excellent, F.-X. Roux and X. Vasseur, MUMPS direct solver: applications at Hutchinson, current research and perspectives , MATHIAS 2013 meeting , TOTAL, Paris La Défense, Oct 23-25.
  • [2013] C. Weisbecker, Improving multifrontal solvers by means of algebraic block low-rank representations, PhD Thesis supported by EDF, INPT-IRIT, PhD Thesis, Leopold Escande price from INPT, Nov. 2013.
  • [2013] C. Weisbecker, P. Amestoy, O. Boiteau, R. Brossier, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent, S. Operto, and J. Virieux, 3D frequency-domain seismic modeling with a Block Low-Rank algebraic multifrontal direct solver, SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts, DOI: 10.1016/j.ascom.2013.03.002 , SEG annual meeting, Houston, TX, USA.
  • [2013] E. Agullo, P. R. Amestoy, A. Buttari, A. Guermouche, G. Joslin, J.-Y. L'Excellent, X. S. Li, A. Napov, F.-H. Rouet, M. Sid-Lakhdar, S. Wang, C. Weisbecker, I. Yamazaki, Recent Advances in Sparse Direct Solvers, 22nd Conference on Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology, San Francisco, August 18, 2013,
  • [2013] L. Boucher, P. R. Amestoy, A, Buttari, F.-H. Rouet and M. Chauvin, INTEGRAL/SPI data segmentation to retrieve sources intensity variations. Astronomy & Astrophysics, Article 52, 20 pages, .
  • [2013] J.-Y. L'Excellent and W. M. Sid-Lakhdar, Introduction of shared-memory parallelism in a distributed-memory multifrontal solver, Inria and LIP report RR-8827. Improved version appeared in Parallel Computing(40:3-4), pages 34--46 (2014)
  • [2013] L. Boucher, P. R. Amestoy, A, Buttari, F.-H. Rouet and M. Chauvin, Simultaneous analysis of large INTEGRAL/SPI datasets: optimizing the computation of the solution and its variance using sparse matrix algorithms. Astronomy and Computing, vol 1, 59--69, doi:10.1016/j.ascom.2013.03.002 .
  • [2012] P. R. Amestoy, C. Ashcraft, O. Boiteau, A. Buttari, J.-Y. L'Excellent, and C. Weisbecker, Improving multifrontal methods by means of block low-rank representations. INPT-IRIT technical report RT/APO/12/6. Also appeared as Inria Technical Report RR-8199.
  • [2012] F.-H. Rouet, Memory and Performance issues in parallel multifrontal factorization and triangular solutions with sparse right-hand sides, PhD Thesis, INPT.
  • [2012] J.-Y. L'Excellent, Multifrontal methods: Parallelism, Memory Usage and Numerical Aspects, habilitation thesis.
  • [2010] P. R. Amestoy, I.S. Duff, Y. Robert, F.H. Rouet and B. Ucar, On computing inverse entries of a sparse matrix in an out-of-core environment, INPT-IRIT technical report RT-APO-10-06, also appeared as Inria-LIP and CERFACS Technical Report. Revised version appeared in SIAM J. on Scientific Computing Vol. 34 N. 4, p. 1975-1999, juillet 2012.
  • [2010] MUMPS Team, Slides presented at the final workshop of the ANR Solstice project, in conjunction with the Sparse Days Meeting 2010 at CERFACS.
  • [2010] I. Chowdhury and J.-Y. L'Excellent, Some Experiments and Issues to Exploit Multicore Parallelism in a Distributed-Memory Parallel Sparse Direct Solver, Technical Report RR-4711, Inria and LIP-ENS Lyon.
  • [2010] P. R. Amestoy, I.S. Duff, A. Guermouche, and T. Slavova, Analysis of the Solution Phase of a Parallel Multifrontal Approach, Parallel Computing No 36, pages 3-15.
  • [2010] E. Agullo, A. Guermouche and J.-Y. L'Excellent, Reducing the I/O Volume in Sparse Out-of-core Multifrontal Methods, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., volume 31(6), pages 4774-4794.
  • [2009] T. Slavova, Parallel triangular solution in the out-of-core multifrontal approach for solving large sparse linear systems, PhD Thesis, INPT, Available as CERFACS Report TH/PA/09/59.
  • [2009] F. Sourbier, S. Operto, J. Virieux, P. R. Amestoy, J.-Y. L'Excellent, FWT2D: a massively parallel program for frequency-domain Full-Waveform Tomography of wide-aperture seismic data -- Part 2: Numerical examples and scalability analysis, Computers and Geosciences, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2008.04.012
  • [2009] F. Sourbier, S. Operto, J. Virieux, P. R. Amestoy, J.-Y. L'Excellent, FWT2D: a massively parallel program for frequency-domain Full-Waveform Tomography of wide-aperture seismic data -- Part 1: Algorithm, Computers and Geosciences, doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2008.04.013.
  • [2008] E. Agullo, A. Guermouche, and J.-Y. L'Excellent. A Parallel Out-of-core Multifrontal Method: Storage of Factors on Disk and Analysis of Models for an Out-of-core Active Memory, Parallel Computing, Special Issue on Parallel Matrix Algorithms, 34(6-8), 296-317.
  • [2008] P. R. Amestoy, I. S. Duff, D. Ruiz, and B. Ucar, A parallel matrix scaling algorithm, accepted for publication, proceedings of VECPAR'08 -International Meeting-High Performance Computing for Computational Science, revised version appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5336, pp 309-321, 2008.
  • [2007] P. R. Amestoy, I.S. Duff, A. Guermouche, and T. Slavova. Analysis of the Out-of-Core Solution Phase of a Parallel Multifrontal Approach. ENSEEIHT-IRIT Technical Report RT/APO/07/3. Also available as a CERFACS and as an Inria report.
  • [2007] E. Agullo, A. Guermouche and J.-Y. L'Excellent. Towards a Parallel Out-of-core Multifrontal Solver: Preliminary Study. Technical Report LIP RR2007-06. Also available as an Inria report.
  • [2006] A. Guermouche and J.-Y. L'Excellent. Constructing Memory-minimizing Schedules for Multifrontal Methods. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 32(1):17-32.
  • [2006] A. Fèvre, J.-Y. L'Excellent and S. Pralet. Scilab and MATLAB Interfaces to MUMPS (version 4.6 or greater) Technical report LIP RR2006-06. Also available as ENSEEIHT-IRIT and Inria reports.
  • [2005] MUMPS Poster describing recent features and current research.
  • [2004] P. R. Amestoy, A. Guermouche, J.-Y. L'Excellent and S. Pralet. Hybrid scheduling for the parallel solution of linear systems, Technical report Inria RR-5404 also ENSEEIHT-IRIT RT/APO/04/4 and LIP report RR2004-53. Improved version appeared in Parallel Computing 32 (2): 136-156, 2006.
  • [2003] A. Guermouche, J.-Y. L'Excellent, and G.Utard, Impact of reordering on the memory of a multifrontal solver. Parallel Computing, 29(9), pages 1191-1218. Some overlap with LIP report RR2003-08 / Inria report RR-4729.
  • [2003] A. Guermouche, J.-Y. L'Excellent, and G.Utard, Analysis and Improvments of the Memory Usage of a Multifrontal Solver, LIP report RR2003-08 / Inria report RR-4729.
  • [2003] P. R. Amestoy, I.S. Duff, S. Pralet and C. Voemel, Adapting a parallel sparse direct solver to SMP architectures, ENSEEIHT-IRIT Technical Report RT/APO/03/1.
    Modified version appeared in Parallel Computing, 29 (11-12), pages 1645-1668.
  • [2002] MUMPS poster presented at the Inria exhibit of Supercomputing 2002 (poster in powerpoint format).
  • [2002] P. R. Amestoy, I.S. Duff and C. Voemel, Task Scheduling in an asynchronous distributed multifrontal solver, ENSEEIHT-IRIT Technical Report RT/APO/02/1.
    Modified version appeared in SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, Vol 26(2) pp 544--565 (2005).
  • [2002] A. Guermouche, J.-Y. L'Excellent, and G.Utard, On the Memory Usage of a Parallel Multifrontal Solver, LIP report RR2002-42 / Inria report RR-4617.
    Modified version appeared in the proceedings of IPDPS'03.
  • [2001] P. R. Amestoy, I.S. Duff, J.-Y. L'Excellent, and X.S. Li, Impact of the implementation of MPI Point-to-Point Communications on the Performance of Two General Sparse Solvers, LIP report RR2002-6 / Inria research report RR-4372. Also ENSEEIHT-IRIT Technical Report RT/APO/01/4.
    Improved version appeared in Parallel Computing 29(7), pages 833-847 (2003).
  • [2000] P. R. Amestoy, I.S. Duff, J.-Y. L'Excellent, and X.S. Li, Analysis, Tuning and Comparison of Two General Sparse Solvers for Distributed Memory Computers, ENSEEIHT-IRIT Technical Report RT/APO/00/2. Also Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Report LBNL-45992.
    Shortened version appeared in ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software , 27[4], 388--421 (2001).
  • [1999] P. R. Amestoy, I.S. Duff, J.-Y. L'Excellent, and J. Koster, A fully asynchronous multifrontal solver using distributed dynamic scheduling, ENSEEIHT-IRIT Technical Report RT/APO/99/2.
    Revised version appeared in SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 23[1], 15-41 (2001)
  • [1998] P. R. Amestoy, I.S. Duff et J.-Y. L'Excellent, Parallélisation de la factorisation LU de matrices creuses non-symmétriques pour des architectures à mémoire distribuée, rapport technique ENSEEIHT-IRIT.
    Revised version appeared in Calculateurs Parallèles Réseaux et sytèmes répartis, 10(5), 509-520 (1998).
  • [1998] P. R. Amestoy, I.S. Duff and J.-Y. L'Excellent, Multifrontal parallel distributed symmetric and unsymmetric solvers, ENSEEIHT-IRIT Technical Report.
    Revised version appeared in Comput. Methods in Appl. Mech. Eng., 184, 501-520 (2000).